To be clear I’m not freaked out by this or anything, I just don’t know what to tell her. I often do things like kiss or bite her in places like her neck and chest to make her feel good, so she’s been asking me if there’s something similar she can do to make me feel good as well. Whenever she tries kissing similar parts of my body it either just tickles or I just don’t feel anything, I know the male body is supposed to be less sensitive to this stuff but does anyone have some suggestions on what she can do? (and just saying I’m not comfortable with something like a blowjob or anything involving my dick before anyone is gonna suggest something in that direction)

  1. Do a night of erotic massage. Do something relaxing, like do yoga or have a shower or give eachother back massages first. Then blindfold eachother, get a nice massage oil, and take turns letting eachother explore and look for spots. The goal here is not necessarily to orgasm, but to break your usual sexual routine and be open to new experiences. Ask for feedback as you go. In a context where you’re relaxed and turned on and blindfolded you’re more able to focus on your body and discover new things.

    My SO and I did this recently and we were able to discover new ways the other liked to be touched.

  2. >, I know the male body is supposed to be less sensitive to this stuff

    Lol nope. The male body is sensitive and has erogenous zones. They’re just in places you’d least expect. (Except the nipples. I’ll get into that later)

    Have her explore your body. Ask her what she likes about it. Ask her where she’s most comfortable kissing you. Whatever you can do to turn this from her performing to the both of you exploring.

    I can only offer my perspective so take this with a grain of salt but… more women than you’d think don’t know that foreplay is more than 2 minutes of suckin dick. So a lot of men don’t know what or how to ask for it. You’re not alone.

  3. So you don’t know what gets you going or feeling good. And a willing GF.

    Kind of a perfect situation.

    Now you both get to chat about it and explore. Some things will stick and others “eh that wasn’t so great”. On a regular basis try things out. By “things” it could be anything, from her wearing outfits you like, teasing or sexting leading to, massages with or without oil, or wax, mani or pedi, bilndfold, eating sushi off of each other, whatever gets both of you to go “I’ll try that, why not”. It’s fun and no pressure.

    Everyone wins.

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