My girlfriend (21F) and I (21M) have been dating for over a year. The last couple of months I have been unsure about my feelings constantly switching between feeling deeply about her to just feeling unsure.

She has been great but just always seems busy or poor with time management. We get along pretty well but more so recently I have been noticing long silences between us and it feels like I am always the one starting the conversation. She also has joked about some date ideas I’ve had because they are cheesy which I know they are but it was about the quality time and finding something fun to do not that it was cheesy. Like I said she is great overall, but at times I feel like I need a deeper connection. She was gone this past month as it was winter break and she was with her family. During this time I just kind of felt indifferent about our relationship.

She came back the other day and seems happy to see me but again it was just some silence and awkwardness. I don’t feel like it’s fair for her to be with someone who feels indifferent a lot when there could be someone better for her. I have talked to my therapist about this and she suggested either seeing how things go and to not worry so much and accept this standard in our relationship or possibly ending it.

Like I said I’m just unsure about how I feel and wanted some more advice to figure out if this relationship has run its course or if it’s just me. I plan to talk to her tonight about this and hopefully see how she is feeling too.

Any advice would be great!

TL;DR: I am unsure about my current feelings for my girlfriend, of over a year, and wonder if the relationship has run it’s course or if it’s just me. They have many qualities I like but don’t feel a deep connection at times. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  1. Sounds like the relationship has already run it’s course. You know things aren’t working out when silences aren’t comfortable anymore. It’s better to break it off now than give yourselves grief just because you’re holding on to the memories of what was.

  2. So, OP, do you think this relationship is done? If so, how do you envision the course of your ideal relationship?

  3. Update?

    I’d suggest just communicating. But you should know that sometimes when you have spent a lot of time with someone, there just isn’t that much to always talk about. But that just means that the silence should be just comfortable.

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