We share my car, so the entitlement is quite high right now. This incident occurred a month or two ago, however the conversation regarding the blame was brought up the other day. He had basically joked about the whole thing saying he was tipsy enough to have had gotten a DUI if we hypothetically got pulled over, and I was completely shocked and told him I wasn’t aware he was tipsy. He said “you had to have known. I drank a few hours before we left. You knew I was driving drunk so half of it is on you.” I was completely taken back by the sudden blame and told him I had absolutely no idea he was still feeling the alcohol after so many hours and that it’s ridiculous to blame me for it. I told him I had explicitly asked him how he was feeling before we left the apartment and he reassured me he was fine, therefore we went. He continued to go on about how obvious it was and that “I totally knew.” I felt uncomfortable and shocked about this confession of his and the conversation faded but as I think about it again, I’m feeling quite angry by it all. I plan on approaching him about this again soon, telling him how the conversation made me feel.

As a partner, otherwise, he’s completely loving and compassionate for me in every way. He looks at me like I’m his other half. This is just totally out of his character. Should I take this as a red flag or a one time mistake?

We’ve been together 4 years, living together for 1 year.

  1. It’s absolutely worth talking to him about it again. If this is completely out of character, it’s possible that there is something else driving what seems like a really disturbing attitude. Maybe he feels a lot of shame over the accident and was looking for a way to deflect the blame. Either way, you two need to be living in the same reality and right now that’s not happening.

  2. Well seeing as he is not adult enough to police his own drinking, don’t let him drive your car anymore. NTA for this, but you will be if you let him drive your car anymore.

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