I’m getting super mixed signals from this girl that I really like. I made it known that I like her and she’s the one that I want to pursue and I reply really fast when it comes to her. She used to show me so much love and communicate with me a lot.
Now she’s very distant and claims that she’s just busy, but frequents other social media apps. I try to lay back and match her energy but she gets passive aggressive with me and say that I don’t wanna talk to her when l’m reality that’s all I want to do. I always ask for ways to see her or offer to take her out to lunch but she always declines and says she’s too busy but with her other friends I keep hearing of shit that they do together. And when we do meet it’s only half assed meet ups that she throws my way last minute. I’m really stressed cause I really like this girl and I’d do anything for her and I can’t even leave cause it feels like she wants nothing to do with me but she gets mad when I get distant. I also try to ask her questions to gauge where I stand with her and how she feels about me. She used to say how I mean a lot to her now she just dodges my questions altogether. How do you think I should proceed?

  1. It seems like she isn’t taking you seriously and is just getting off on the attention you are giving her. Or I could be a bitter jerk, who knows?

  2. You’re over obsessed, she’s keeping you in her back pocket.

    The whole “I keep you at arms length but get mad if you pull back” deal is a classic manipulation tactic. She wants you to want her, so if she ever decides she needs someone she has you ready.

    You on the other hand are being a little stalker-ish and need to chill out. “She says she’s busy but then she’s on social media…” like my guy why are you keeping tabs on her? Leave her alone if she says she’s busy. Better yet- if you already full on confessed to her that you want to date her and you now AREN’T why are you still considering this a viable person to date?

    So overall- don’t give her another second of your time and the next time she gets mad at you for not being attentive enough hit her with “you aren’t my girlfriend. I don’t owe you attention.” Find someone new to date, and don’t let yourself get this obsessive and stalkery in the future.

  3. This girl isn’t interested (anymore).

    Not romantically/sexually.

    You are in the friendzone.

    How was the physical component, did you ever elevate the energy? Kiss her and have sex?

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