Is there anyway to get rid of a sexual fetish you have if it makes you uncomfortable or if you don’t want it to be a significant part of your sexuality? Does anyone know of a way to do this or have any pertinent information on this subject?

  1. To the enormous dismay of, let’s say “some religious groups” – nope, you can’t get rid of it. Your sexuality and your fantasies and desires are yours, and the only thing you can do is to accept them as fun, hot activities you can do with consentual adults. You can ignore it, but I’ve never, ever seen that work out positively, the regret and possible shame you harbour will come and bite you in the ass.

  2. No, as far as I know there isn’t really a way to fully get rid of a fetish. You can decrease how much you engage in it, and i nightly recommend seeking therapy to work through it, but fetishes don’t really just go away.

    I’d suggest working on accepting it and allowing it to be a part of your sexuality so long as it’s a fetish that pertains to 2 consenting adults. Or even an individual and an object (ballon fetish first comes to mind lol). Basically so long as it’s harmless, you have nothing to worry about, even if it is “weird.” And if it is something harmful, definitely see a therapist, and still work on accepting it, but also accepting the fact that you can’t ever act on it.

  3. You may not be able to get rid of it. But that does not mean that you need to act on it if you feel that it will be detrimental in the long run.

  4. Yes. That is possible. I guess it would depend on the fetish. There is a very wide range of fetishes. Some are harmless and some could turn dangerous.

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