Sorry this is a lot, but id really appreciate it if you read it all

I suck at and absolutely hate hosting ESPECIALLY when its more than one person. I dont want a huge party, just a few close friends. My last birthday was riddled with anxiety bc all I wanted to do was watch Rick and Morty and eat. I think most of them were fine with it but one of them was super energetic and wanted to get up and do stuff which made me rlly nervous since i didnt know if anyone else wanted to. It rlly was super low energy and quiet the whole time so i was mentally spiraling. The energetic one is coming again this year and I want everyone to have a good time but i dont want to do anything super physical like dancing (his favorite thing). Its a movie themed party so i was planning on watching all my fav movies but im worried the energetic one is gonna get restless. I was thinking having games/video games to keep everyone entertained besides ONLY movies. Im just worried im gonna run out of things to do that will satisfy everyone.

TLDR: movie watching bday party, super energetic guest coming, dont know how to entertain everyone the whole night

Some advice would be greatly appreciated

1 comment
  1. In my experience, the most successful parties I’ve attended were spread out among multiple areas/ rooms and each area had a different activity that people were welcome to do if wanted. You could try that cause it’s super chill and gives everyone an opportunity to do whatever they want for as long as they want. You could have the room with all the movies going the whole time, a room with board games and music, and area for karaoke or something, and an area for chatting and mingling. People tend to pop in and out of different areas and the people who want more focused are also happy. Also sometimes people just kind of make whatever activity they want and you can let them go do it if you don’t care if they do something without you. It takes the pressure off of you to entertain them.

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