Do you think any man can cheat, and why?

  1. If the woman in your current relationship is toxic or whatever, I can imagine losing interest and cheating.

    Personally, i don’t think I could. I’d break it off first.

  2. It’s a thing everyone is capable of, but no one should do it. Haven’t met a dude who cheated on his gf yet, but several attempts were made by women to cheat with me on their bf

  3. any person can cheat.

    Monogamy is imho an unnatural agreement that is not really compatible with humans, thats why theres so much cheating.

  4. Perhaps everyone has the capacity to cheat, but it ends up boiling down to how well disciplined they are. I could never see myself cheating on my wife, it’s just not something that I’d ever willingly do.

  5. If a partner is bad enough and a potential partner is good enough, but at that point there has to be a reason one doesnt simply break it off with who they were already with such as financial dependence.

  6. Sure. Every man can – question is if every man would.

    Sure there are some that do it out of lust, but more often it’s because out of neglect from their wife.

    A happy man will never cheat.

  7. Almost any man can cheat

    Not every man will cheat.

    Like, with the exception of comatose individuals everyone has the capability to violate the boundaries of their relationship and engage in infidelity.

    But not everyone will. Regardless of gender.

  8. I will say most people have emotional affairs without even realizing it. They think they are just friends but they are getting something that they need from the interactions, and that could turn into a physical affair pretty easily.

  9. I think a lot of men enter committed relationships they’re not ready for for cultural, religious, conformist reasons and do not have the courage, ability or opportunity to break out of those. This leads to cheating as a cry for help, as a coping mechanism, as an outlet for all the tension built up while living an unauthentic, forced life with an unsuitable partner. It’s a super immature and destructive response, but it’s not like we raise boys to become emotionally healthy and aware of their own motivations and the emotions that drive them. I think this is what leads to the sloppy cheaters that get caught.

    Some, on the other hand, are just egoistic and too self-centered to care about the damage they’re causing. The BMW drivers and ‘Staffie’ owners of relationship world.

  10. Any man that says every man will cheat is definitely cheating on his partner right now or has never had a serious partner. Nothing in between.

  11. yes it is possible for any human being regardless of sex, gender, religion, race, whatever other bullshit you want to self label for internet attention, to cheat.

    as far as if they will? that’s more of a question of character, some will some won’t.

  12. I have known more women that have been cheaters than men. And many of them you wouldn’t have thought it to look at them.

  13. No. It really comes down to the individual. Even if I was interested in someone/early stage dating them, I would invest my effort into them. Plus I think a lot. I think about how I would feel if it happened to me or how they would feel if they found out.
    When you think about, it becomes obvious based on what you feel.

  14. They can . It could be because of the heat of the moment and them being a dumb fuck and not thinking and much more but its definitely a thing . I personally if i love her i wouldnt cheat or even think of it even if 100 of the most beautiful women came up to me and gave me a chance 🤷‍♂️ .

  15. Anybody can cheat. Why? Because they have the opportunity to.

    That’s why people cheat: they have the opportunity.

    Now, not everybody who has the opportunity, will, but 100% of people who don’t have the opportunity to cheat, won’t cheat.

  16. Anyone can do anything if the circumstances are right, even then, they may choose not to.

  17. Every man and woman and everything in between has the ability to cheat. It is their willingness that I’d tge deciding factor.

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