I just moved to a new country at the start of the school year and let’s just say I didn’t have much luck in finding friends. I have always been shy and didn’t talk much around people I didn’t know well so this isn’t helping much. I know the language ( pretty good) but I can’t really find the words that I am looking for in certain conversation so I don’t really talk much. The people are also very different, we don’t have the same sense of humor and interests and maybe that’s the reason why I can’t really keep a conversation going.The problem is that most of the time when I talk the other just talk over me like I am not there. I don’t know if they do it on purpose but still, and it’s not just talking over me , I could be standing next to some people and talking about something and they just get in front of me like I am invisible.I talk with some people in class about tests and the assignment but that’s it.Any tips on how I can fit in better?

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