I’m 22F and I’ve had about a year long friendship if not more with a gentleman 24M. For the past year it’s been very just friendly, talk and hang out every day, flirt a little bit but nothing more. Lately it’s progressed into a romantic relationship with kissing, holding hands, etc (No we haven’t had sex)

A little back story, him and I had a INSTANT connection when we first met. We both felt it and we’ve both expressed that to each other countless times. Not long after we started getting romantic, he told me that not long after we met that he was going to marry and spend the rest of his life with me. In the past, we have both caught ourselves talking about our future life together with kids and being a family and didn’t even realize it. He tells me he’s so exited for me to meet his mom, dad and family and he doesn’t take meeting his family lightly. There’s countless other things that we’ve talked about through our friendship of “when we are together…” and it’s always been kind of a joke until now. Him telling me this truly didn’t shock me and still doesn’t now. Honestly, I feel the same way he does.

Does this man truly know that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me or is it just because of how close we are and have gotten over the course of the friendship and I wrong for feeling the same?


  1. *this one is for the guys*

    Lol. I sincerely believe you missed out, Op.

    WOMEN who have experienced what you described would be able to advise you a little better, I think.

    It’s like asking, Foxes? There is a fox who was put in charge of the hen house in which I, a hen, reside. There are hens who were violated and totally disappeared!

    Foxes! Am I being played?


  2. Sure, sometimes people feel like this. My father said both of his marriages were love at first sight. Of course, his first marriage was terrible and ended up in a vicious divorce and he had to get therapy to work through all of the trauma. But he did know in both cases he loved the woman in question and wanted to marry and be with them.

  3. This is true. Men are simple creatures. We have two fuses. Light them both at the same time and we’ll want to date you forever.

    You must have lit his fuses. Keep them burning and he’s yours for as long as you’ll have him!

  4. I hate to admit it, but yeah. It’s not as though it’s as direct as seeing someone and instantly wanting to marry them or anything – but it’s more of a presence. Like an energy radiating off the person. It kind of fuels all your emotions and you just kind of chase that feeling. At least in my experience.

  5. Yes we can. I knew for certain I wanted to spend my life with my wife, I just didn’t want to admit it to myself at the time (try and follow that logic!). 28 years later I still do.

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