over the weekend i was hanging out with friends including Jake. I actually kind of like Jake, but almost a year ago, we had a brief little thing but he made it clear he didn’t want a relationship. I put myself out there, and told him I was interested in him and liked him, but he made himself very clear. I tried to respect that. Since I did not want that, I put a kibosh on continuing messing with him. I told him where I stood.

Until this weekend, we sort of went our separate ways so to speak. we stayed friends, but barely. we never hung out. we just kind of said hello to each other but that’s pretty much it. We haven’t really been alone together or really talked since we “ended” things.

between our “thing” and this past weekend, I know he’s hookedup with a couple other girls we know. I was sort of glad that I wasn’t one of them because it seemed like a lot of drama. I knew I didn’t want casual hookups and drama, so even though I found him attractive, I felt like that was the right decision for me.

well anyway this weekend, for really the first time since we had our “thing,” we were all out together and when he and I were alone together for some of the time, and he would say stuff and he said i was playing games with him and how there was tension between us and all. I do find him attractive but I don’t know how i’ve been “playing games” with him. we flirted and it was fun this weekend. He also said he “knows he’s an a#$h0le”

Then the funniest part about this is the next day he contacted me and said that he doesnt like me. This was AFTER he said I played games with him.

what the heck is wrong with this guy? does he have any idea how his words and actions affect others? or is this all part of HIS games? should i be offended that he said i was playing games with him? does he really believe that? like he rejected me before, now he rejected me again, so how could I be playing games with him? please keep in mind I never told him I didn’t like him or find him attractive. I was VERY attracted to him. Meanwhile he’s told me plenty of times he doesn’t want a relationship with me.

  1. You’re making logically inconsistent statements. One moment it’s we barely talked, the next is we flirted. One line is “I was glad I wasn’t one of them” then it’s “I do find him attractive.” That, I’d imagine, is the source of his frustration.

  2. Don’t let him get in your head! Sounds like you dodged a bullet. Like you said, it seemed like a lot of drama with the other girls he has hooked up with. Maybe he doesn’t know what he wants yet and….yeah idk hahaha. Now I’m getting lost with what he is doing 😅🤣

  3. His regular “game” of showing mild interest and then rejecting and negging girls to get them chasing and throwing themselves at him isn’t working on you, so he’s just swinging wild, not having any other moves to get what he wants (attention and sex without reciprocating anything of value).

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