we were in a long-distance relationship since I met him when I was a student, and he was an employee at my University. Not long after, he started accusing me of cheating, for not texting him within 1-7 hours span, while I already explained that I am not free to do what I want in my family home, very strict, on top of that my dog who’s 12 years old have a seizure and constant medication. at first, I wasn’t nasty with our arguments, but as the seasons change, days go by, I get worse, it’s like I’m not me anymore, every argument I question myself, why do I make him so angry all the time, Is it what I said or Is it just me. I love him so much that, I’m willing to abandon my family to be with him.

recently, the issue arises when one of my friends followed him, she is an Asian woman similar to me, he barred me from following random men, but he is allowed to follow I guess. I asked him can I follow him too, he went ballistic, screaming that I’m a c-word and so on, how I ruined his life because he has to spend time after work talking to me, which I told him he doesn’t have to, just tell me what he is up to and ill be fine. He dumped me, now I have an engagement ring and no marriage in hand. He even went so far, as to contact my best friend and told my best friend I am abusing him by doing this. Or how evil I am for hustling and how I should be giving to others instead.

I have forgiven him for many things, including him blaming me for feeling like a woman because I did not send “pictures” due to me being uncomfortable since I’m in my family’s vicinity, or me not abandoning my family quick enough since I did promise I would leave, but knowing how ill my father is, I choose to take it slow and be patient with my family. He went to my closest friend and called me ab\*sive because I am evil and a shite girlfriend for not giving attention as much as he does. I love him so much, I can’t believe it. I’ve been nasty too in retaliation for his accusations, from being a w#ore to ruining his life. I tried very hard, I really did, and it causes my mental health, I was modeling and have since quit because I’m so insecure now and frankly afraid. To this day I am torn with who I am, am I as horrible as he makes it out to be? I always forgave him. He completely abandoned me and blocked me in every possible way, When I did that He called me out, I did it because he kept calling me names, and sending me pictures of other women. He did it because I asked him if He can unblock me.

\*\*TL;DR;\*\* : am I in the wrong here? Did I really ruin his life? It pains me to this day.

  1. Looks like he was already creating that manipulative and abusive relationship dynamic. He was constantly trying to make you prove your love for him, including to accuse you of not giving him enough time and attention.

    Unfortunately you fell for it but didn’t call him out on his BS.

    But now that relationship has ended. just know that you’ll be okay.

    Don’t let guys treat you like this. If you have given them no reason to think you’re cheating , and when they accuse you of it and demand that you show them you love them (including to make it seem like you must send them certain kind of pictures as proof that you still love them), then just drop them.

    That is their bad behavior showing through.

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