Evening folks, got a couple of questions, but heres a bit about me first.

I’m 36, 6ft and just about 18 stone (116ish kg I think). Have man boobs and a bit of, what might be described as, a beer belly. I signed up to our local gym today to lose a bit of fat, about 2-3 stone and tone up a bit.

Where would be the best place to start to lose weight? I know diet is a big one, so I’ve cut out all crisps, chocolate, fizzy pop and fast food/takeaway. We eat decent meals that are healthy as we have a 3 year old sprog and I’ve been taking glucosamine sulphate for a while, you know,getting in a bit and all that.

Any pointers or tips would be greatly appreciated!


  1. That depends on what your goals are. I am a proponent of lifting, and you don’t even have to go heavy.

    All that said, you hit the nail on the head the last part of your Post OP, you can lift, swim, run, or whatever, but it is impossible to out-run your fork if your goal is to lose weight. Diet is where it is at.

  2. The stride or stair stepper machine. Quickest way to burn calories and sweat off some weight. Next priority for me was core muscle work-out, like crunches, pushups.

  3. I lost my weight through anorexia and heavy amounts of walking.

    Like hours and hours of walking almost on a daily basis

    I only ate one meal a day as well.

    People aren’t gonna like what I have to say, and theyre gonna downvote me but just ask this question

    How did Christian bale lose his weight?

    How do models and movie stars lose their weight?

    Im just saying when I decided to lose weight I wanted RESULTS.

    I lost 175 pounds

  4. Get a notebook or use your phone to write down your best estimate of the calories in the food you eat.

    If you’re eating less than your tdee you’ll be losing weight, more and you’ll be gaining. Just keep it simple and don’t overthink it.

  5. Cardio.
    Swimming is a great low resistance exercise if you’re unaccustomed to running.
    Hitting the elliptical machine or stationary bicycle are also great ways to start exercising. After your body is used to being in motion more I’d do Running and maybe jump rope.

  6. Drink lots of water, stop drinking your calories, be consistent, work hard, follow a program, eat healthy/whole foods.

  7. Cutting out chips/chocolate/fast food doesn’t do anything for your weight if you replace it with the same amount of calories. Cutting that out *will* make you healthier in general and probably result in you feeling better, but weight gain/loss is just the mathematical relationship between your BMR and caloric intake.

    If you don’t really care about how you feel, and just want to look better, then keep eating what you want but cut back on the calories, and burn a few extra by staying faithful to your gym schedule. You can eke out a few more calories every day by standing/walking around at work if possible, or even while watching TV at home. In my experience it’s easier to do a few things a little differently than to try to change one thing drastically.

    I would recommend using [this tool](https://www.calculator.net/bmr-calculator.html) to calculate your BMR, then make sure you’re eating at a deficit (so if your BMR is 2k calories, eat a little less than that). You can lose and gain weight without any exercise at all, but exercise helps accelerate the process and build your cardiovascular/muscular health depending on what you do. Check out r/CICO (Calories In Calories Out) to understand what I’m saying better. They really capture the fundamental science of gaining and losing weight.

  8. The easiest way to lose weight is count your calories and crush cardio as often as possible.

    In my opinion the best way to lose weight is to do weight training 4x a week and light cardio whenever you can and eat close to .8g of protein per pound you weigh. It will absolutely take much longer this way but the end result will be much much better.

    I suggest if youre totally unfamiliar with lifting weights. Download the stronglifts 5×5 app and watch a bunch of form(form is VERY important) videos then start with just an empty bar and increase 5lb per week and stick with this program until you feep confident enough to do more advanced programs.

    Do this for a year and you will be a totally changed person

  9. Watch your calories. One snack from a vending machine can replace all of the energy you burned off with a monster workout. I recommend using the free version of cronometer.com.

  10. Learn how your body responds to certain things, that has been a huge part of me gaining muscle mass at a higher rate or just having a more efficient workout period. Your body might not react the way it does to a workout plan, and just other aspects that work well for other people.

    One tip that seems to work for most people is to not have that unhealthy food in your home or in any easily reachable location. Having to go out of your way to go buy that stuff is a deterrent for a lot of people. Then looking for healthy foods that help you feel full, that’s where that knowing your body comes into play.

    Where I am at now is 12.8 stone at 31 and 6ft. I sort of should be eating more according to my gym rat gf, and my best friend who’s a great cook but heavier sort of tempts me with bigger portions. Sometimes you can train yourself to eat a big meal, then supplement yourself with healthy snacks for the rest of the day. Like if you have a big breakfast, sometimes that can last you till a medium sized dinner. It depends on the time of day you eat and go to bed. Like sometimes I can have a big breakfast overeat an early dinner then have a small healthy snack or swig of milk to make sure I sleep soundly.

    Sometimes it can be working out more than you put in. It’s not about following all these techniques and routines that come in and out of vogue like mad. You find what works for you and your body.

  11. For me, training mainly goes hand in hand with diet. If I miss a workout, I tend to eat crappier on those days. Working out makes me think twice about eating stuff that undoes my efforts.

  12. Track your food even if you don’t have a calorie goal.

    If you’re honest about tracking everything you’ll start to notice habits that add up unnecessarily and can cut them out. Most people can’t think about everything they ate in a day by memory

  13. Intermittent fast. Don’t eat till 3pm everyday and be consistent with it. No faster weight loss method out there. Lift weights for strength not endurance, only walk for cardio, if you do running it’ll increase your appetite too much.

  14. I don’t work out, but I quit eating late at night and snacking all day. I didn’t change what I ate, but how much I ate. Cut your portions in a sensible manner. You don’t need to finish what’s on your plate. I lost 50 lbs over 2 years. I’ve lost 10 lbs in the last two months just by walking a minimum 2 miles a day. Also, I learned that a high protein diet without carbs is a no-no. Your body will store that excess protein as fat. You don’t need a “diet,” of nothing but fruits and veggies. Just limit how much you eat and walk. It’s that simple.

  15. Low carb. I’ve lost weight twice in my life. First time I ate my normal type of food but in lessor quantity to have a calorie deficit. I exercised an hour every day. I was ALWAYS hungry. It was very hard.

    Second time I went very low carb. Did very light workouts. Rarely hungry. It was easy.

  16. my best advice is to stop eating after 6pm, no snacking and if your going to drink make sure it’s water or flavored water no caffeine or anything else. I’m down about 15lbs from last months weight in and not eating late at night really helps.

  17. As expected I gained weight attending the gym, I didn’t lose it. 10 lbs in fact. Part of that was that I was in such bad shape I got tons of “noob gains” (some muscle and some inflammation from regular exercise). It didn’t do anything to get rid of fat by itself, but that isn’t a surprise when you compare the amount of calories burned by exercise with common foods. Doesn’t mean I wasn’t in better shape though, and it improved my mood/energy level which **indirectly** helped my achieve my diet goals.

    I lost 100+ lbs in the kitchen by changing my diet and using timed-eating that suited my lifestyle (namely I chose to eat two GOOD meals instead of three light meals). I’d point everyone to the loseit sub’s Wiki, it is comprehensive.

  18. CICO

    calories in, calories out. You fon’t even need to go the gym. You can lose weight eating twinkies if you stay sub 1200 calories a day.

  19. Consistency is key with whatever you decide on doing. I would advise, while making a plan, the hardest part is *STICKING* With the plan.

    Be comfortable with being uncomfortable for long periods of time. No meaningful change will occur without meaningful discomfort. Keep in mind, I’m not saying it needs to be painful, Pain is different. But uncomfortable/sore/hungry etc. It’s indictive of change.

    With all that said, be kind to yourself. Acknowledge to yourself that you’re going through a period of struggle and adjustment, and be proud of yourself for putting in the time/effort.

    Good luck and happy hunting.

  20. The glucosamine is a good idea as a long term thing for your joints I also add omega 3 fish oil. Lifting daily will do wonders for lowering your body fat percentage longer term. I’m m57 &6’. Last 7 yrs I went from 260lbs 44” waist to 230 lbs, 33” waist. There are lots of good calculators on the internet, one of the best websites I’ve found is EXRX,net ( only selling books, no potions, lotions, or magic rocks). Nutrition is 90% , lifting allows me to eat a lot more than otherwise, I like food. I have a (yogurt & bran ) small breakfast, protein shake ( low cal protein) mid morning, substantial lunch , tiny snack ( 1/2 muffin or less) 45 min lifting, yogurt & bran again. I drink about a litre over 2 hours all day. For joint & tendon health I keep my sets at more than 8 reps. I do as much single limb compound movements as possible ( increasing small supporting muscle engagement).

  21. Do 20-30 min of cardio to warm up. Just walk in the treadmill or elliptical. Then go lift heavy weights. For beginners try 5×5 strong lift or Ivysaur programs. The key is repetition. Just keep at it, don’t take days off if you feel lazy. Listen to your body and don’t stress something if it hurts. Also eat less.

  22. Got to a plant based diet. You will 30% of your body weight in 3 months. Eat all the vegetables, beans and pasta you want. Yes pasta.

    Once you cut out the meat, your body burns calories way faster.

  23. Weight loss starts in the kitchen. You can work out all you want but you can’t outwork a bad diet.

  24. Cutting out what you have so far will help a lot, but you still need to be counting calories. A homemade meal that’s 50% butter isn’t going to help much.

  25. Eat a healthy diet, work out religiously, and ….um…. that’s pretty much it.

    I am going to the gym to gain weight. I am 6’7″ and 265 lbs. I would like to get up to 275 or 280. Muscle mass, of course.

    I still got some patches of fat being stubborn, so right now my weight loss seems to be matching my gains. So just keeping it up until I break the plateau. Part of the process.

  26. 1. Adjust your schedule so you can get 8 hours of sleep every night
    2. Try to eat whole food and toss out processed food. Think eggs, meat, fish, chicken, beans, rice, oatmeal, fresh vegetables and fruit, nuts and seeds
    3. Get 150 minutes of moderate intensity cardio per week. Think inclined walking on the treadmill or medium resistance elliptical
    4. Learn to bench press, squat, deadlift, overhead barbell shoulder presses, and Bentover barbell rows. Find a weight that you can comfortable do 10 times, but is too difficult to do 12 times. Then do 4 sets of 10-12 reps of each exercise per week.
    5. Watch yoga YouTube videos and follow along with them a few nights a week.

    For the weight lifting you can break them up into separate days. This is my current split:

    • Sunday – Rest Day
    • Monday – Bench, Overhead Shoulder Press
    • Tuesday – 5K run, yoga
    • Wednesday – Squats, Deadlifts
    • Thursday- 5K run, yoga
    • Friday – Bentover Rows
    • Saturday – 5K run, yoga

    But that’s a lot of exercise. You want to start out at 1K run and yoga and slowly build yourself up. In my 20’s I used to do 10K runs, but fuck doing that now, my joints hurt too much for that.

    Good luck my brother!

  27. Eat less. Move more. Stop drinking alcohol. Cutting down on carbs also helped me to not feel as hungry.

    It’s not complicated.

  28. drink water until your piss is clear, eat more healthy (sorry that its obvious but its where it begins) Start by walking on the treadmill then a slow jog if you can, maybe even time it like


    6 minute walk 4 minute jog for about 3 or 4 sets, push if you can/want to!

    Hitting boxing bags for 2-3 minute rounds, very very good cardio

    Work until failure on things like pull ups/push ups and body weight exercises, don’t be ashamed if your max is 2 pullups, try get to 3 after a few days of recovery!


    Just work for it, take it slow and enjoy it and get those feel good chemicals in your brain, don’t kill yourself or you might tap out, enjoy it!


    I highly recommend listening to David Goggins or listen to Tyson Fury’s Podcast with Joe Rogan, it’s one of my favourites.

  29. My gym teacher always said to do push away’s. Push away from the table and stop eating.

  30. I managed to lose a decent amount of weight just hitting the elliptical at the gym for about 30-45 minutes a day.

    Then the diet. I cut out all fast food, soda and beer. I did still drink, but I switched to whiskey.

    Then after that, I also started dieting. I held to a strict caloric intake every day. That one you will need to figure out how much your body needs to keep going, but like the bare minimum so you can keep your calories in/out in a good spot to lose some steady weight.

  31. Understand calories in calories out. You’re gonna lose weight more effectively by cutting the intake, eating lesser, than burning more with a 20min hiit cardio. Now this doesn’t mean cutting out all carbs sugary drink and fast food. You just have to eat lesser than last time

    Eating rice? Just leave 2-3 spoons unfinished. Sweet drinks? Don’t finish the entire can. Everything is fine in moderation.

    Also do note that losing weight and fat are 2 different entities. You wanna aim towards losing fats which is a super slow process.

    I went from 75kg to 77kg in half a year but look skinnier becahse I lost fats and gained muscles. On a scale it looks like I messed up my diet.

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