What acts of kindness did you experience this week ?

  1. I had my birthday and a girl from school was the only one who congratulated me. We barely talk because last year she had to repeat her grade while i moved on into a higher one, but still I like her she’s a really nice person. I told her my birthday some MONTHS ago. And a girl who’s in my class and talks to me almost every day, didn’t congratulate me even tough I told her my birthday A DAY BEFORE my birthday.
    So yeah, anyways, it was really kind of the first girl to remember my birthday.

  2. The chain of my bike broke and this guy stopped to help me out.

    Also i was 20 cents short on something and the cashier let me buy it anyway.

  3. Back in 2019, when I first visited our office here in the US, the pantry offers paper cup for you to use when you want to have some coffee. But now 2022, I was told that they don’t provide paper cups anymore. So I bring one from my hotel. One of my colleagues noticed that I’m using a paper cup from my hotel for my coffee. So he went to our executive secretary and asked for some mug(excess freebies) and gave it to me.

    By the way, I’m not part of the upper management, not a VIP.

  4. I was feeling really down after a small car accident last week. No one was hurt, just a fender bender, but it was completely my fault and I felt so bad. My in-laws let me borrow their car while mine was being fixed and paid the bill for me. I feel like I won the fucking lottery with this family.

  5. My mug at work got smashed (for the 2nd time) and one of my colleagues bought me a doughnut shaped one as a surprise, cause I love doughnuts.

    Could’ve cried honestly it was so sweet

  6. We employ a dog walker while my husband and I are at work. He came down with the flu this week and our neighbour offered to walk our dogs while he recovered.

  7. I received lots of compliments this week on things I didn’t think anyone noticed. It made me feel good about myself. I tend to focus on my flaws in private, so hearing compliments balances out those negative thoughts.

  8. My boss raved about the wine I gifted her for Christmas. It was homebrewed by my SO and I.

  9. A fee kids ran into my class yesterday, yelling “Ma’am, you teach us this year!” and danced around about it. Made me feel super special 🥺

  10. The front wheel of my three wheeled buggy (stroller) randomly just fell off as I was pushing it up a kerb. So I’m stuck on the edge of the road trying to drag it so we are safe from cars and thinking how I was going to be able to fix this mess so we can get home.

    I didn’t want to get my toddler out as I was worried about keeping an eye on her but knew I needed to tip the buggy to slot the wheel back on.

    A lovely woman ran straight up to me and said “right how can I help?”. Between us we had it fixed in less than 5 minutes.

    It was a little thing but as she then rushed off to work (she told me where she was going), I thought it was so nice that she just took the time to help me when she had places to be.

  11. Don’t know if these counts but they’ve made my week so far:)

    I had an amazing week talking to my online friend and she said she loves my writing style (not many people have seen my writings but since she writes too, I tought to show her and she loved it😄😁)

    Lady from the store closest to where I live wished me luck and gave me an extra bingo ticket for free, we always have such a nice chat whenever I come in and its her shift, but i didn’t expect this😂😊

  12. I made only 12 dollars waitressing the other day and was wondering how I was going to pay my bills. Later on I was buying gas and when I came out to pump it there was 100 dollars under my windshield. The only other lady that was at that gas station had already left. I like to think she won big at the casino that is just down the street.

  13. I got a new job!! At the interview I met a couple employees and everyone said they really liked me, and that I had a fun and bubbly personality.

    The schedule of my new job would’ve made it hard to see my boyfriend because I will work every weekend and during the week he’s at college, but I talked with him and he said we’ll work out a weekday to hang out. He said he was proud of me and that it sounds like a really fun job so I should definitely take it 🥰

  14. i have a boyfriend and he studies in a different city. i’ve had my period this week and he sent me this pretty box of chocolate and sweets. it was lovely. and my mom sent me a gift out of nowhere. I’m one lucky girl.

  15. I’m finally remodeling and changing up my space after my ex moved out. Yesterday two of my friends came over and gave me feedback and helped me move things around and hang some stuff. It was really easy but it meant so much because I felt understood and supported.

  16. I had someone tell me I was the nicest, most caring and gentle person they had met in a long time. It made me smile.

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