Hello! I just wanted to reach out and ask if anyone knew what this may mean? It’s been rough and can ruin moments. The pain wraps around my head and feels like a constricting band that’s squeezing my head and gets worse as “the finish” gets closer.

I should mention, I got my wisdom teeth out 2 weeks ago and have been taking amoxicillin but stopped like a week ago. I’m on antidepressants but this has never been an issue before. Also, this wasn’t an issue before the surgery.

Is it possible that it’s an after effect of my mouth healing or of the amoxicillin? Or another more serious medical issue.
Or should I seek a doctor? It’s been going on for a week or two so really just after my surgery. Just don’t want it to stay this way :/

  1. This is going to need to be diagnosed by a medical professional. Definitely isn’t normal. I’d call and make an appointment right away if I were you.

  2. Do you know your blood pressure? I used to get headaches in similar situations when my BP was high.

  3. I’ve had this occur in phases throughout my life. How long has it been going on?

    I agree that you should see a doctor, but it may resolve itself on its own. For me, these phases only last a few days. Last time I talked to my doc he was able to give me something that made it better a couple days quicker than normal.

  4. I had something like this when 13ish years old, I just stopped for a few days and it got back to normal. Also stay hydrated, lack of fluids can give headaches.

  5. do you forget to breathe or hold your breath when you’re close? could be lack of oxygen

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