What do you think is your most justified paranoia? (For example: that someone could be watching you through your computer’s camera.) How do you justify it?

  1. Trigger warning. Also NSFW.

    As my dads religious extremism has worsened… particularly over the course of the pandemic… I have become increasingly paranoid about his capacity for violence. I am 31 and I’ve left the church they raised me in and subsequently been shunned by both my parents for dating a non-believer and living with my boyfriend. I see my dad regularly in a work environment although he treats me as if I am dead. He hasn’t spoken a word to me in a year.

    There are times when I watch forensic files or listen to crime podcasts about honour killings and I get this creeping and chilling sense that my dad would actually sympathize with the so-called religious devotion of the men who killed their daughters or wives. He holds ‘faith’ to such a high and warped standard that he often has made remarks to my brothers about how “if you talked to me like that during bible times, you would have been stoned” and it completely freaks me out.

  2. Someone breaking into my house and purposely unaliving me. I live alone and the windows of my house are veryyy low. If someone wanted to enter through any of my windows, they would need only a stepstool or worse, could just swing their leg over very easily. I’ve been on my own for almost 2 years and unknown noises still freak me out.

  3. That people are always judging me. And I’m pretty sure they are. It really shows sometimes.

  4. That when I have kids one day they’ll be taken away from me because of my psychiatric history and I won’t get them back

  5. That I’ll be killed by some random dude who stalked me from OF. My OF was boring af so it’s unrealistic but probably most justified :/

  6. someone coming to my house to unalive me or have other things done to me. I became a witness when my best friend (and love of my life, at least that’s what it feels like) threatened his life. We made a police report but I don’t know how bad the guy is and I’ve made plans for every single outcome possible

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