How do I develop male leadership?

  1. I used to be afraid to be in that position where you have to be a leader but then I realized there were so many things I wanted to do with my friends and no one was taking the initiative.

    I’d say you need to achieve the following:

    Be confident in what you’re doing, even if things don’t seem to be working in your favour.

    Be kind and considerate of the people who follow you.

    Have a plan, it needs to be in view and it has to be tangible.

    identify qualities in yourself that people gravitate towards.

  2. Give them a reason to follow you, show them some cheeks.

    Hip dips, leg extensions, squats… they should help you out.

  3. I feel like in order to be a leader use must be able to either beat everyone in the room in a fight or at least make alliances with the ones who might give you trouble

    Luckily for me I’m usually bigger than most people so taking the strongman approach has good odds

    But I like a more Machiavellian approach to life

    Iago in Othello

    Or more specifically Doofy in Scary Movie

    Growing up I was always a fan of characters like Bugs Bunny and the great John Leguizamo’s Pest

    I like to play the annoying obnoxious fool

    Even now if people read this and think I sound stupid or absurd it still plays into my scheme

    This is how the Joker operates, it’s how Jack Sparrow operates.

    Play the fool so no one suspect you’re a real player in the game

    If done well, if done properly, if you get good enough at playing the fool you can even begin to taunt people directly by stating your plans out loud and still they wont see past the trick.

    I can say outloud that I want people to not take me seriously so you that I can control how the perceive me and still people will read this whole post and think I’m a joke. I can be as blatant as I am now but do you take me seriously?


    Than it’s working isn’t it?

  4. Communication, experience, will power. These are the things I think of.

    It varies of course, from place to place.

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