Someone keeps going out of their way to my desk at work just to talk to me. Usually just them ranting about something random and me listening. How can i put a stop to this. Even if i am clearly busy they will hang around my desk and talk to me. Pretty annoying. Btw does this me they like me as a friend

  1. I would suggest telling them that you would concentrate better in solitude. I think that it would be a polite way to get the point across without seeming rude… That’s if you haven’t already done so.

  2. Well, is it their way or do they have to go out of their way to talk to you? Do they talk like that to others?

  3. I’m sorry, but you have attracted a Jerry. Someone who needs attention constantly, and most people have found a way to shake them off. So they find someone who is too polite or not good at expressing themselves, and attach on like a barnacle. They are a vampire.

    You’re going to have to quit, then ghost them. That’s what I had to do…

  4. Tell ‘em to F off. It’s simple. Almost the equivalent of farting in their direction and walking away.

  5. “All right, I’ve enjoyed chatting, but I’ve got to ____ now.” I used this a couple of weeks ago, and my coworker responded “Oh, I guess I’m talking too much, I guess I’d better catch the hint” or something like that. I was glad she did, but felt some sort of way that she even felt the need to respond that way. She’s pretty young, so I hope she’ll figure out some better work etiquette over time. She does things like dip into conversations when two people are talking, offer unsolicited advice, positions herself as the manager when she’s a worker like me, etc.

  6. Be less warm, receptive and approachable if they’re habitually interrupting & inconveniencing you for no good reason. Make a point of asking them if they needed something important & work related. If you have better things to do or simply anything you’d prefer to direct your focus & attention to, say you need to get something done and can’t chat idly. No need to get into specifics about what exactly or be overly apologetic. It’s your desk and your work schedule they’re interrupting. Guard your boundaries.

    If they can’t take a hint, the extreme is to look very focused & busy then pissed off they’re bothering you. Or, wearing a headset, ‘Not now, I’m on a call/about to jump on a call’, whenever you see them coming.

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