Whenever I watch others talk in group conversations, the conversation seems to flow more or less smoothly – someone says something, then somebody else says something in response and so on. But when I try to jump in the conversation, it always seems like it’s at the exact moment when someone else is opening their mouth to say something too, and then it gets a little awkward. Anyone else get that? What’s up with that?

  1. All the time. It’s so fustrating. By the time I can get a word in, it’s no longer relevant. And then sometimes I’m outright interrupted.

    “You’re so quiet! Oh, but don’t even think about speaking when it’s our turn… which is always…”

  2. Many people experience difficulty jumping into group conversations, especially if they feel like they are interrupting others. It can feel awkward to try and speak up when it seems like someone else is about to speak, and it can be hard to know when the right moment to jump in is. One way to overcome this is to try and pay more attention to the flow of the conversation and the body language of the other people in the group. This can help you to better gauge when it might be an appropriate time to speak. Additionally, you can also try and practice active listening, which involves really focusing on what others are saying and responding to their points rather than trying to think about what you want to say next. This can help you to feel more confident and comfortable in group conversations, and give you a better sense of when it might be a good time to speak up.

  3. I have stopped talking coz I keep getting told interrupt. When I do start to talk I get shushed, coz everyone still thinks I interrupt. So I just don’t bother talking anymore.

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