I’ve always been curious about this. Evidently humans naturally get jealous in life, but to what extent and what does it feel like for you? Do you ever get jealous of other men for their looks, like how women get jealous of other women for their looks? I’m just so curious. Do you get jealous if a girl is talking or laughing at another man’s jokes?

  1. I am jelaous over guy who bullied me in school and he has achieved everything. Has house, family.

    While I work my ass off every freakin day, and don’t have any of it.

    Im just tired of everything.

  2. Looks? Wtf ….. I see ugly men walking around with very beautiful women. I see good looking guys walk around with ugly women.

    So what’s there to be jealous about?

    I’m looks wise maybe a 7 on a good day. My wife is a 8-9 on a bad day. Married for years …..

  3. honestly, if I see something cool I hit the 👍 and move on. No point in wasting time on it

  4. As a man I used to be jealous of so many things bu after a while I started to notice it’s more trouble then what it’s worth . After a while of working on myself now I made it worst 😅. Now I don’t feel the regular jealousy ( the kind that says “why does that person has something,he shouldn’t but I should have that “) now it’s……I’m pretty sure there is a name for it but I can’t recall it( now I just say “that person has something ,that’s dope I hope they enjoy it but why I don’t have it”) and I’m gonna be honest I dealt with half of the problem but the most mentally challenging part remains 😑

  5. I had some as a kid, but as i got older I dropped it all. If my wife wants to go to a party with a dozen guys because she has fun there. Good luck. I’d rather her be happy there than miserable like me.

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