“You get it short king”

“Short kings need love too”

“Short king can get it, not from me tho”

  1. Most of those women who say that are talking to guys who are like 5’8 like that is average height tf? IDK i’ve seen this happen more often and don’t understand it.

  2. If a guys saying it about himself it’s fine, if someone else is saying it then you’re just highlighting something he may feel self conscious about.

  3. Well in your examples it’s clearly a backhanded compliment, so no. If it’s her type though, why not.

  4. Like someone already said in the comments this “king/queen” thing is pretty dumb in my opinion. Moreover saying “short king” only reaffirm a trait I don’t like about myself and I can’t change it.

  5. Cringe or compassion, depending on the people. King/queen is now compensating for something (shortness, fatness etc.).

  6. I hate all cringy affirmations.

    But I also cant really relate to most of them, this one included. I may have other shortcomings but being short isnt one of them.

  7. I’m short. I personally don’t like the whole “short king” thing. It seems disingenuous and kind of condescending.

    I’m assuming it helped some guys feel better about themselves . I personally don’t know any guys who do feel better because of it, but I also don’t make conversation about being short.

    Just don’t act like I’m defective or something. No need to make up little titles or act like being short isn’t a disadvantage in some situations. Just be real and treat me like a person.

  8. Sounds super patronizing. I think calling men “kings” in general is cringe. Be adding to it the fact that he’s short is… ugh. Just no. Stop.

  9. I don’t really like the term, it’s a bit odd, but I do like the sentiment. I think more highly of women who don’t put a lot of value in height.

    I am 6ft tall and I won’t give women who value height highly the time of day despite meeting their requirements.

  10. I think that they see short men as inferior but wanna virtue-signal to look good and “not-shallow” even though they themselves wouldn’t date short men.

    Women who like short men don’t flaunt around the “short king” bullshit, they date those men. Simple as that.

  11. “Gape queen” is the only response that will not only get me downvoted but also probably hated by all women.

  12. Nice compliment flat chested warrior queen.

    Don’t use fat as a comeback. They can change that without mutilating their body positive body.

  13. I know this girl that always calls me a “king” when she sees me, it’s weird and I mostly ignore it. Plus she considers herself a communist so you’d think she’d be against a monarchy, but whatever

  14. “Short kings need love too.” but she is currently dating Lurch. It’s hard to tell if women mean what they say because their community is rarely direct. I would think she is saying it to appear on the right side of the argument vs willing to date a guy society calls short.

    Most of the women I met who use “King” or “Queen” were normally people that vane.

  15. I think this kind of backhanded compliment is nothing short of negging — no different than the ones used by slimy pick-up artists in the early 2000s.

    The only difference is they’re not being manipulative to gain interest; they’re just being callous, tone-deaf and needlessly cruel.

  16. Can I just be short AND desirable, not just short BUT desirable? Without qualifiers, without compensating factors, without special affirmations?

  17. I’m not a “short king”, I’m just a regular person who happens to be 5’6”. It feels sort of patronizing. It’s sort of like “I’m complimenting you because I’m overcompensating for the fact that I secretly look down on you.” When you see a normal guy, you feel no need to call them a “king”. You don’t call people tall kings or average kings, so the overcompensation is evident. I’d rather you just view me as an equal human in the first place and not need to overcompensate.

  18. I feel like there’s always an underlying subtext of like “I wouldn’t/don’t want to date someone that short, so I’m gonna point it out to let everyone know how I feel”. I’m 6’2, but I 100% know I’d let it get to me if I was below average.

    I seriously hate that it’s okay to bodyshame men about the (two) things they have literally no control over. Supremely shitty behavior imo.

  19. It’s one of the worst shits out there.

    This “King” and “Queen” thing is pure cringe.

  20. Im 5’3” due to something that happened when I was young, I really don’t like being categorized or really given praise for no reason. Im confident in myself but you sort of undermine that by implying I need that kind of push. Like it reveals how you view me

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