So, last time when my boyfriend and I had sex, I was playing (touching and circling) his nips while riding him, after sex I didn’t get the chance to ask him if he enjoyed what I did wd his nips since that was the first time I did it to him.

I would like to ask if some men here would prefer this during sex? Is it also good for you the way we women feel it?

++ Any other tips on how to pleasure a guy (since we are just both exploring pur sex life, i would want to try different things)

  1. This is probably a surprise, but men like being touched too. I would think for most guys, like myself, that’s definitely a wonderful feeling.

  2. For me at least it is a strange feeling. Not good or bad but just strange and a bit distracting. I’m not sure if I am in a minority.

  3. It’s OK I don’t think I would ever be aroused by,it rarely happens to me so I think it’s a pleasant thing due to that

  4. I like when she touches me in general but my nipples aren’t any more sensitive than the skin around them. So it’s nice for a few moments but then keep it moving.

  5. My wife has started lightly chocking me when Im on top along with lightly twisting my nipple,
    I enjoy both, they dont make me super turned on but the stimulation helps
    Shout out to her when she grabs my butt cheeks too! Or locks her legs around me !

  6. Yes, the nipples of men can feel the same and give orgasms – just like women.

    For me it feels tingly when stimulated alone, but doubles the pleasure of any stimulation downstairs.

    I achieved this by stimulating them together with prostate stimulation, rewiring the nervous system and connecting everything together. Continue stimulating his nipples if he enjoys it, and it will get better and better.

    If you want to absolutely blow a guys mind, try fingering his prostate while sucking him. Read up on prostate stimulation and rewiring.

    Also, just explore his body. Turns out guys have the same erogenous zones as the women. They just go neglected quite often. Bite his neck, rub his feet, lick behind his ear, et cetera et al.

    Explore his groin. Lick very very carefully everywhere down there. Anus, taint, around the root, inside of his thighs. If you find a sensitive spot, find out together with him how gentle/intense the stimulation needs to be to feel pleasurable.

    Super neat trick:When sucking his dick or giving him a hand-job, only stimulate the top of his dick (what he can see when looking down) right around where the head meets the shaft. Avoid the underside of his dick. Get him to stimulate his nipples and focus on surrendering and relaxing his entire body, especially his groin. Do this for an hour (yeah, that’s a long time). He might have multiple orgasms like this though… ;D

  7. I love nipple play. Really any interaction with my body like biting or scratching but nipple bites are great. Not sure it’s for everyone, you might want to check before.

  8. My wife loves to lick and nibble my nipples during sex. It turns her on to do it and I definitely get there faster when she does.

  9. I thought I’d like it and asked for it one time. Turned out it does nothing for me. So, one data point in the “eh” column.

  10. I love it when my wife plays with mine! She will start playing with mine when she wants to have sex because it’s guaranteed to work. Funny part is I rarely get to play with hers. Ugh.

  11. I love having my nipples played with during foreplay and sex. They get a little sensitive and it’s such an amazing feeling for me specially during sex. I really enjoy my partner licking and sucking on them with various pressures and sometimes I end up getting bruised but it feels sooooo good

  12. Looks like I’m the minority here but I literally get zero pleasure from nipple play. These things are dead to me. Kinda of makes me envious to everyone else here 😂

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