Guys how do you cold approach someone?

  1. You don’t – too easy to get accused for harassment (or “unwanted sexual advances”) from that. Don’t learn this the hard way.

  2. Come at them non aggressively, do not block their path, do not face directly towards them, face towards them at an angle with a good amount of distance between you, this is a stance we would use when we were doing door to door sales and you’re standing at the entrance of people’s homes.

    If the woman mentions she’s in a rush , not interested, any other phrase that indicates she doesn’t have the time or desire to chat with you, then wish her a good day.

    If she rejects you, don’t plead, beg, or become irate. Don’t lie or try to use manipulation or intimidation to turn the tables in your favor

    If you give her your information and she doesn’t give you hers back, take this as an indication that you may or may not hear from her

    if she gives you a fake number or makes up a story that is obviously fake, don’t try to call her out on it, just take this as a nice rejection and bid her good day

    Do not cold approach women in places where they are alone and vulnerable, such as on an isolated street or a hiking trail.

  3. Hi, I’m on my way out, but here’s my number if you wanna’ go out on Friday. Here, get yourself a drink “hands over money and my phone number written down”

  4. If the opportunity arises. Say at a concert, class, or group meeting. Just avoid the “Hi, how ya doing?” line and you’re set.

  5. Don’t do it on drunk chicks. And if you want to start out, just observe your environment without acting on it in a non creepy fashion. Can you spot what cues girls give to you?

  6. Stealth mode: on. Approach from behind and initiate “sleeper hold”. Proceed to objective.

  7. I don’t like the term approach. It’s creepy. Like you’ve chosen your target for sexual annihilation. Just talk to people. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself. Have a reason to talk to them. Ask for directions or something. No bullshit lines. Women have to trust you. And their defenses are going to be up.

  8. Just say hi and focus on them and not yourself. If they dont wanna talk or connect, not even the best smooth talking will help you

  9. You don’t.

    That’s a pro move, not a noob move

    Try more beginner friendly method

  10. I don’t. Not unless I know I have something to say/talk about. Generally if I’m thinking of cold approaching it’s just because she’s attractive looking. And that’s no basis for conversation.

  11. Cold approaches are hard for me. Normally I try to figure out what I can say with this person around me or not.
    I am getting specially nervous when it is a woman I don’t really know why cuz I don’t really search for a girlfriend rn.
    Normally I just keep my distance and talk to her like a normal human would do.

  12. In the US, in current year, this is something a man just DOES NOT DO!

    If I don’t know her, and I don’t have to, I don’t speak to her. I just try to ignore women and give them as much space as possible.

    It isn’t worth going to jail over. And yes, in several states, you can be arrested and go to jail for trying to strike up a conversation with a woman at a cafe.

    This is 2023, not 1993.

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