I’ve recently made some new friends and so far, I’ve been relying on them to organize hangouts and things. If they ask, I always say yes, but I never ask myself.

The reason is because I don’t want them to think that I’m a loser who has no other friends.

I don’t want them to think “Wow, does this guy not have any other friends, why does keep asking us to hangout with him every week? what a loser”.

1 comment
  1. Sounds like you’re over thinking things a a lot. People generally aren’t as negative as you think.

    I know I’m my case if someone asks me and I’m busy or don’t want to, I don’t even think about it past that point.

    On the other hand Ive asked some of my newer friends a few times and they’re either not keen or busy, I still ask sometimes and we’ve gone out and had a blast.

    Don’t stress it by overthinking and just ask. Worst they can say is no to that particular occasion.

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