Is it bad social skills or??

I think im introverted because my social battery drains pretty quickly and recharges, not so quickly. Or is that a thing for everyone??

  1. That seems to be an introvert trait, for sure. If you haven’t done so yet, you may be interested in taking an MBTI test to see your personality type– it’ll say if you’re an introvert or an extrovert.

  2. It has nothing to do with social skills. It’s about getting energised from and needing time alone or possibly with a few select people such as a best friend or partner. You can still enjoy social events and parties occasionally and such but after a while you might feel like you’ve had enough and want to go home / be alone. You might also prefer being in smaller groups or meeting people individually rather than being in a big crowd. Especially if you’re not close to many people in a big group it can feel draining to interact with them quicker. You enjoy being alone and doing things by yourself, of course not 24/7, but extroverts in comparison rather tend to keep themselves busy most days with social interactions. You also might be more of a listener and not the one pulling all the attention on yourself and constantly having something to say.

    I’d say it not a complete black and white thing though and can differ a little for everyone.

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