So, this one girl (21-23) and I (M24) were dancing together. She starts grinding her ass on me and I of course had her by the hips. Overtime it started to get a bit more intense to the point that I was sliding my hand down the front of her jeans to the point that I could feel her shaved pussy. When I do this, she starts arching her back and leaning her head back against my shoulder. I started kissing and sucking on her neck a little bit and squeezed her left boob slightly. Her mouth was hanging open during these moments. I eventually stopped because I think a guy next to me was getting annoyed for some reason (she said she was single, but another girl told me that guy was her BF, either way I didn’t want to start a fist fight). I eventually just left the club and went to a nearby karaoke bar.

I know it sounds crazy but during these moments it felt like another being had completely taken over my mind and body for a second, like I was a totally different guy then and there. Is it supposed to feel like that, because to be honest this is the first time I have ever done something like that. Also were her reactions an indication that she was enjoying it? Also, why do I feel a little conflicted/guilty? Is that just my nerves acting up a little bit?

  1. Gallows meme: “First time?”

    Basically you escalated at rate equal to her comfort, with no expectations, pressure or coercion. *Tons* of women would love to dance with attractive men, make out on the dance floor and maybe allow a hand up their skirt or down their tops before moving on and not going further than that – it’s fun! The not fun part that makes them wary about being that open is because a lot of us dudes start getting pushy, trying to ply them with booze, pushing further than they’re comfortable and guys getting mad when she doesn’t want to tumble into cab or go behind a dumpster to fuck.

    If guys were reliably more satisfied with a little taste and nothing beyond that, we’d all have a lot more adrenaline rushes in clubs. You did well, and I had many similar experiences in my clubbing days too. I learned to be in the moment and not think about what would be happening in an hour – unless a woman asked me to, which they occasionally did.

  2. Look, you’re in a very erotically charged space so the internal mood is already established for the both of you, the inhibitions are lowering, you’re vibing and enjoying the sensuality of it all. It’s not rocket science what’s going to happen once two people start grinding on each other.

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