If say, I were to travel across the US and showcase particular places in the US, what would you want to know more of? Local activities, history, cool structures/parks? Does it depend on the place and person?

  1. I would love to know more about small towns and about the coast/island communities off of some of the northwestern states

  2. I wish I knew how some people build mansions in random ass places

    Kinda want to do it in the future and grow weed or something

  3. I’ve always been interested in learning more about the American Revolution and 19th century history… specifically slavery.

    I recently got a book called *The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism* by Edward Baptist… I’m halfway through. Its a very fine historical analysis of the period and the impact slavery had on America to be built as an economic power.

  4. How to deal with cold temperatures below 40 degrees for months at a time, even during the day. Like I think it’d be really cool to visit snowy states in winter for the vibes, but I don’t think I could enjoy it coz the weather.

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