Been talking to a woman on a dating app for a couple days now. I asked her to meet but now she wants to know my height.

I’m 5 ft 10 and I’m a little worried that she has a 6ft or over requirement.

I playfully said “just wait and see”

But now she said she needs to know first and that she won’t meet up with me otherwise because she doesn’t want to waste her time.

Idk I’m kinda turned off by the way she’s talking to me. Almost feels like a job interview.

Is this a red flag?

  1. Yeah some girls will ‘job interview you’. I always ghost if I feel like that. I’m trying to gauge by vibe and comfortability now. If I feel happy around them I’m down

    You kind of need to guage them if you like them too. Like yeah they guaging you if you meet their requirements, but are you about that vibe? What do *you* want? What kind of girls do you want personally? How do you want to be treated?

    Just my 2 humble cents

  2. Definitely a red flag! Don’t waste your time with girls like that, that’s fucked up in my opinion!

  3. do you know her height? i’m 5’1 so i wouldn’t ask this, but i think a woman who is closer to 6 feet asking this before meeting up is valid. if she doesn’t like you because of your(very normal) height, do you really want to waste your time and money taking her out?

  4. If she’s going to go down the road of height bs. Don’t ever try. Ask weight and just laugh at the fireworks to fallow. It’s proof she’s shallow and just wants eye candy. I’ve known many tall gals that are more willing to date shorter. One married him. It should never come to something so insignificant as height.

  5. Tell her the truth, if she says no, anyway she shallow as puddle.

    Why can’t people with specific requirements just write their requirements in bio instead of keeping it empty. Those who don’t fit your criteria will swipe left instead of wasting collective time.

  6. Yes it’s a red flag. I’m tall for a woman and would never ask. I do get unreasonably frustrated when men lie about their height but if they don’t say it’s fine.

  7. ….. just tell her?

    What’s the problem? People are allowed to have height preferences.

    I’m a 5’6″ guy. I exclusively date women under 5’6″. Yeah, I know it’s stupid but I’m allowed to have that preference and so is she. Stop wasting her time and just tell her your height.

  8. Either tell her or cancel on her. This isn’t worth overthinking or potentially wasting your time if she’s that shallow.

  9. Women get their time wasted on OLD all the time. Be respectful and just let her know your height. If it makes you insecure, then skip the date and only date women who don’t have a requirement. She’s allowed to have a height preference and you’re allowed to prefer dating women who don’t care but don’t play games (“wait and see” 🤢) and waste her time.

  10. Just tell her. You don’t want to date someone shallow enough that it’s a deal breaker anyway.

  11. That’s just reality in the west. You have to accept it. You either get respect for height, or being incredibly good at something.

  12. If you don’t want to date people with height preferences, leave them be. Not everyone is gonna be cool about you not listing height. If you want a wider net, list it.

    Having preferences is totally normal and she’s being smart to ask before putting in all the time and effort of meeting in person.

  13. It sounds like she’s obviously making you uncomfortable, so why go on a date with someone who makes you uncomfortable? Especially if you think there’s a high probability that you will be flipping the bill for the date.

    I think you don’t need help from reddit on this one

  14. Idk if I’d consider it a red flag as much as a shallow trait that I personally wouldn’t want in a partner. So I guess it could be but nonetheless if height is all she cares in order to meet up you might be wasting your own time. Just be honest and tell her 5’10”. You’ll see her true colors regardless; although I personally feel like she’s already showing them. It grinds my gears that there are women in the world really like this. I see it all the time. Like such amazing guys get passed over because they don’t fit the height requirement. Which is a bunch of bullsh** if you ask me. If people stopped caring about such superficial things then maybe their relationships would last longer. Because height has no bearing on how a person will be in a relationship smh. UGH🙄

  15. You both seem like red flags… it’s super creepy to be purposely hiding ANYTHING before a first date. The fact that you’re hiding your height when you’re above average is just weird and off putting. If someone asked my height, weight, salary, etc. I’d answer honestly. I am who I am, hiding it and being fake is just a recipe for disaster.

  16. Just tell her. Though I may not agree with her, share her preferences and I find it quite superficial, everyone has their preferences. If you don’t fit them, move on.

  17. Tell her
    You’re height and that you don’t care for the ultimatum and don’t speak to her again.

  18. That’s not a red flag to me. I’m a guy but I put my height (5’9″) in my profile just so I don’t waste my time or another person’s time. Less results that way I’m sure, but I don’t want to spend my time with someone who’s make-or-break deal is height difference.

  19. I personally wouldn’t ask but that’s only because I’m 5’1 so the whole world and even my two oldest kids are taller than me! 😂

    But if I were a tall woman like my mom was I could see it being a factor, my mom was almost hitting 6ft herself so if that were me I wouldn’t want to be with a guy way shorter than me. It’s not any more unfair I wouldn’t think than someone having a preference for a certain body type, even though people will say it’s not right to ask. We “should” get to know the person and not judge but the truth is that physical appearance is an important part of compatibility and attractiveness in dating.

    I don’t think height is as sensitive as say weight but then again I’ve never had any issues around height but maybe some people do and I just am oblivious to that. Can she not see photos of you around others to get an idea of height? I think that may be better than asking for a specific number.

    I wouldn’t say red flag, just tell her and see where it goes unless you’re sensitive about it then tell her you feel that’s really private and you don’t feel like discussing it then meet someone else. That’s what I would do.

  20. I would say yes but as a woman who is 5 foot even, every man I’ve ever met towers over me so…

  21. Is she not allowed to have psychical preferences? She may just want to make sure you’re taller than her…. I prefer men i dated to be taller than me…

  22. When i was dating, I didn’t wanna meet up with anyone my exact height or shorter. For me it just feels like I’m the man.

    At the end of the day; if you tell her you’re 5’10 and she ghosts you then obviously you dodged a bullet. Just be honest.

  23. I have had 3 men lie about their height. One was shorter than me, I’m 5 ft. It’s just the honesty I need.

  24. Is your height in your bio? Maybe just confirm that you didn’t lie. I’m guessing that she’s met guys who lied about their height and wasted her time. Not because they weren’t a specific height, but that they are liars. If her request offends you, move on.

  25. If you don’t like the way she’s speaking to you then.. why meet her? If she said she doesn’t want to “waste her time” with someone shorter than she wants then.. is that really what you’re looking for? I’d never say that to anyone nor would I think that. I’ve gone out with men several inches shorter than me because I care about what’s inside, not some arbitrary number.

  26. You worrying about the 6-ft thing is just your own insecurities. Just tell her you’re height. Don’t put so much value on her that you’re afraid to reveal who you are, just because you have had a nice conversations and think she’s pretty.
    Be proud that you’re 5’10”!!
    If she really does have that preference then she’s not the woman for you and you dodged a bullet.
    For all you know you’re just paranoid and overthinking things but if she’s being a real stickler about it then maybe she’s just shallow and is hyper focused on a superficial trait like that.
    It’s really a win-win for you bro tell her you’re height, she either won’t care and you’re in or she will care and you can stop wasting your time and find the lady of your dreams.
    Good luck

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