
  1. Don’t through people under the bus.
    Don’t get high before work.
    The world does not revolve around me.

  2. Don’t trust anyone
    Not even the ones you yourself love
    No fucking one
    Im not talking out of having trust issues or because the people around me are shit
    It’s just that I’ve seen people do stuff with the info you give them and understand it in their own perspective and let it fuck around in their heads
    The more the info is sensitive the more you’ll risk them not getting exactly what you’ve told them

  3. Your work friends are not your friends.

    Networking is so important. More important than filling out job applications endlessly. Also network to make friends. It only gets harder to make friends as you age.

    Being a good person is great and all, but don’t expect people to be as good back. Or as loyal. Or as thoughtful. Most of the time people don’t really care about how you treat them as long as they can get something out of you. Hence why so many assholes and narcissist have large friend groups.

    Don’t waste your time on men/women who string you along (I wish I knew this one sooner).

    Appreciate your loved ones, life is short. They won’t be here forever.

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