I am nervous to ask and don’t even know how I would start the conversation. I’m scared he might judge me or it might make him uncomfortable.

  1. Just ask him if he has ever thought about doing it to you. It’s a great way to start the conversation.

  2. “Hey. I have a fun idea. Wanna hear it?”

    Honestly it’s gonna be up to him about what he likes and everything. You should know about that first by asking or observation. Planning is always step one.

  3. A. He’s your boyfriend. The whole idea is that you can make personal requests like this.

    B. This is not a particularly weird or unusual request, nor is it likely to make him uncomfortable

    C. Even if it were weird and likely to make him uncomfortable, you would be better off to get in the habit of pushing through minor issues like that.

  4. Oh my God this would amazing to hear!

    Don’t be shy, just let him know that if he ever, maybe, feels like it that you wouldn’t mind being touched, you know, sexually, while you’re asleep.

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