I know in theory, plenty of people meet in their 30s… but I’ve been single for 2 years since my last relationships ended, have been trying to live my best life while continuing to date. While on the whole I am happy with what I have, I know I would really like someone to share my life with, and am starting to feel a little hopeless that I will find someone I am excited to be with who also wants to be with me. Because it does feel like the older I get, the fewer options I will have, as people are partnered up, and I worry that men will prefer someone younger than me. It just feels like all my friends have already found their people, and I can’t seem to get it right–and now I worry the ship has sailed. It just seems like maybe there is something wrong with me for not being able to find a great partner and make a relationship work by this point in my life, because I definitely thought I’d have found my person by now. Would love to hear that it’s worked out for other women who were single at my age, and then met someone that they loved.

tldr: Single as a 30 year old woman, worried I won’t be able to find a great partner?

  1. I met my partner when I was 29 and he was late 30s. I know many people who didn’t find someone to settle down with until their 30s or even 40s. It’s not too late as long as you are still open to meeting someone. 30 is really pretty young still.

  2. Make people know youre available and looking. Let your friends know. Use dating apps. Keep an open mind.

  3. So as a 30m , a lot factors into dating a women over 30 . I guess a good place to start vetting is her dating history of she has a string of self induced failed relationships that reflects badly . A second place to look is are her expectations completely unreasonable and or does she have a realistic outlook on what to expect from a mate . Third example I would look at is , is she single because shes super unique and just not a good fit for everyone or is she just a huge red flag with many negative connotations . The way men view is is why has she went 30 years and no. A single guy who have fairly low standards been able to accept her for who she is and lock her down . Not one single thing disqualifies a girl but it’s just a precaution . Men are valued for when they can provide which rises as he ages , women are valued for beauty which depreciates with age . As much as we progress in society the biological urges and values are deeply ingrained

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