I’m a 15M and I’ve never really had good social skills but these past couple of years have been like a awakening I don’t wanna be someone that talks to no one and honestly I cannot live like this anymore I gotta make a change I’m just not sure even how to begin I feel like it’s just too late for me sometimes if anyone has advice I’d appreciate it a ton

1 comment
  1. Hey im 19 and i have similar problems. Trust me, you are not stuck. You just have to improve. If I were you, I would do like better habits (Sport, reding, not gaming so much). And generally to get better something you have to do the thing you want to get better at. If you cant swim, go in the water and try. If you cant talk, you have to talk. I know its hard but there is no other way around. But you dont have to go from 0 to 100 on instant. Do small steps. First do small talk and just ask the people questions. After a time try to make jokes and compliments. Talking is a skill, and to get better at a skill you have to train and training is all about discipline. So try getting disciplined. Thats what I know. I wish you all the best and hope you can make it🙏

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