What are your good habits and bad habits?

  1. Good habits: cooking most of my meals, always using my turn signal, listening when people talk

    Bad habits: every week I get a ridiculously priced chicken biscuit from a local place for breakfast. It’s so good and it makes me happy.

  2. Good + consistent habits: exercise, dressing well, journaling (which doubles as my handwriting practice), taking meds on time, calling my grandma, foreign language practice, and almost always cooking instead of eating out.

    Bad habits: I smoke cigarettes and sometimes I really, really crave four hot and spicy McChickens at once. Also I never get to sleep before one in the morning and am extremely resistant to sleep meds.

  3. Good – empathy for others. Communication. Kind and honest heart.

    Bad – I have the worst sleep schedule known to man. True night owl. Ooh I like to Google the end of movies 😅

  4. Good: I’ve been working out consistently, keeping my chores in check, and cutting out sugar.

    Bad: Non stop overthinking about a huge upcoming career change (if this counts as a bad habit).

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