Hi I feel really embarrassed but I tried anal fingering on my own using coconut oil and it didn’t hurt but I felt slight burning after it qnd since I have severe anxiety I convinced myself that I injured myself and am having a slight panic attack right now .
I guess I might have been a little rough while fingering myself as well as inserted and object but it was about the length of a finger and I don’t know how likely am I to have done serious damage and die??
Someone please he’ll my anxious soul relax haha

EDIT : I can’t relax and am worried I ripped through my intestines or something I don’t know right now it just burns a little but if I have damage inside I don’t know if I’d be able to feel it or tell. I know it sounds maybe stupid but I just can’t help the panic

  1. Did you probably do some damage? Yeah

    Is it serious? Almost certainly not, let it rest for a while

  2. It’s been like an hour and it still burns a little and I guess when should I be worried??

  3. You are not going to die. If you were rough, you may have just irritated your anal sphincter. It does not sound like you did any damage to yourself. Just relax, the sensation will go away.

  4. Not a doctor, but a little mild burning sensation is probably not serious. The tissues are very sensitive, lots of nerve endings. If the feeling is extreme, you have serious pain or you feel ill then go to a clinic. But if you’re just feeling a mild sensation you might just be letting the panic take over.

  5. Did you wash your hands and THOROUGHLY washed whatever it was you inserted?

    Could be something on your fingers or the object that irritated your tissues. Chemical, hot peppers/garlic, something like that.

    Stop panicking and next time thoroughly trim your fingernails, and thoroughly clean whatever you’re going to stick up there. It would be better to get a toy that’s designed for that, actually.

  6. Med student here (great qualification, I know), pain is usually proportional to the damage, especially in an almost external area like the rectum.

    You feel a slight bringing and there’s no blood, you just irritated your skin a little, it’ll go away in a day.

    If you really tore through your intestines trust me, you would feel it.

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