I am rarely satisfied with social interactions, i always need a friend with who i have no limits in discussions . If i have to think every 2 seconds about what should i not say , i stop talkin and loose interest. And it shows on my face that i am bored/don t want to talk.

  1. It is totally normal to have different preferences /comfort levels when it comes to social interactions. It sounds like u prefer more deep and open conversations with close friends, and don’t like find small talk or conversations with people you don’t know. Emember that not all social interactions are going to be enjoyable and that’s okay!! Finding a friend or a group who u feel comfortable being urself w & discussing deeper topics with can be really beneficial for your social life. Be mindful of other people’s comfort levels, and try not to make them feel uncomfortable or pressured to share more than they are comfortable with:)

  2. Well, you might have to ask yourself, “If I get bored in conversations because I can’t talk about myself enough,” are you going into conversations with the right attitude?

    You, your thoughts and opinions, these are already known things to you. We want to get them out and express them, because we are vain. And a little vanity is natural and fine. But, what will you ever learn that way? How will you grow?

    You have to go in with curiosity, a genuine desire to read that book that the other person represents.

    And if the above is off base and you just don’t like small talk, well you have to get used to it. Small talk is the price of admission to eventually get to more interesting talk. That’s just the rules of the club.

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