It can be confusing and disheartening when you give out your number to someone, invite them somewhere, and they say no and never really text you. But is there still a chance that they like you?

  1. If someone doesn’t contact you, they’re not interested.

    Sometimes people will pretend like they’re interested in the moment, because sometimes people react really poorly to rejection and create unsafe situations. People have literally been shot in the face for rejecting someone’s casual approach on the street.

    When someone you don’t know approaches you, and you’re not interested, but you don’t know the person, a lot of times it’s just common sense to feign interest to keep from creating a spontaneous confrontation.

    I know it’s frustrating to be on the receiving end of this, but it is honestly a real safety concern.

    It’s not a mixed message though – If someone likes you, they will talk to you and contact you and follow through. And you deserve someone who is into you like that, not to chase after someone lukewarm and/or hot and cold anyway.

    Have some faith in yourself and the fact that you’ll find someone where the attraction is mutual. It takes time and you will get rejected along the way, but you can still find someone if you keep trying honestly.

  2. No no there isn’t. It’s only confusing when we project our personal feelings into a situation and gray what seems to be pretty black and white.

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