I’m not wanting any kind of leeway, I’m just wanting to let my prof know that I’m still taking things seriously and trying my best.

I have ADHD and it affects my school performance but I get by really well with medication- unfortunately, I ran out of meds and despite a blizzard keeping us home all of last week, I fell behind in my classes. Managed to get caught up in all but one of my online classes, and I’m now working on two past due assignments for that class.

Would it be appropriate to send my prof a short email explaining and apologizing? I feel awkward about it because I actually sent her a similar email a couple of weeks ago so I don’t want to be weird and overload her with “oh shit sorry” emails???

  1. Yes, of course.

    You have a diagnosed condition for which you need to take medication. If there is anyone who deserves leeway, it’s students like you.

    Not sure where you’re from, but universities usually offer accommodations for students with disabilities (physical and/or mental health).

    You should check with your student services department to see if you are entitled to any specific accommodations. You will be required to communicate with your professor about them and negotiate deadlines, but this service is meant to support you with your studies. The university is not interested in you failing, so make sure to check out what is available to you.

  2. if you have a disability that affects your performance then you should be getting leeway from the school, contact your professor and look into any programs at your school. My school has a Disabilities Resource Center and the students who reach out to them get extra time to complete assignments and quizzes and such. Don’t feel bad reaching out that’s what these programs and professors are here for

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