I used to be a very intelligent kid, with a large vocabulary and I’d say I was pretty creative. For da last year or 2, a lot has changed in my brain chemistry.

There’s a lot of aspects to it, but my main issue is how it affects my social interactions. Mainly my ability to sustain conversations and my humour. I used to be able to continue convos for ages and make creative and random jokes and mental links, but now everything I say feels so stale and generic. It feels like my brain just doesn’t work, and I don’t think it’s anxiety as it happens all the time; when talking to close friends, family etc. I’d say that my communication used to be very unique and now it’s like I’m a regular old joe with office jokes.

To put it in perspective, for example thinking of comedic comparisons or witty ways of phrasing things takes me so much longer than it used to and often ends up me in me stuttering or prematurely ending my sentence.

The weird thing is, that on some days I feel like myself again and my creativity and processing power is up to standard, but shit will just switch up randomly. It also feels like it’s a physical impairment rather than psychological. I’d say something like brain fog, or an empty mind, alongside delayed memory recall. This usually spirals into a loop of putting me in a bad mood, lowered confidence and around we go again.

Does anyone have any idea on what might be the issue here and what I could do to solve this as I feel like I’m slowly losing my character and becoming an NPC in this world

1 comment
  1. Brain fog is a real thing. I would possibly get to an infectious disease doctor and possibly have some testing. You could start with a GP.

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