for context I (20F) met A (21M) through a common friend. We’ve been talking for over 4 months now and he’s been courting me for 3 months. A is a very nice and funny guy that can hold a conversation well. He’s fun to be with and gets along with my friends. He’s not controlling and let me do my own thing plus respects my personal time.

the downside of this is he retained his friendship with his ex for 3 years. His reason was they we’re friends before they dated (almost 12-13 years friendship). when I give him a situation wherein i told him “what if I told you to cut her off” he always tell me straight that he can’t do it. plus he tends to go out and do whatever he wants without asking my permission and can go hours without talking or even updating me (playing online games for 4-6 hours w/o telling, going out drinking w/o asking if it’s cool w/me, drinking with his ex together with their friends w/o asking me again if it’s cool)

I mean hey 3 years is not a joke and I can’t imagine staying friends with an ex especially that’s his first long term relationship. I’m really bothered by this and I kept overthinking about this but I know he’s a great guy. On the other hand I really think that he just like my presence when we’re together but doesn’t like being in an official relationship.

Badly need advice if I should continue this or how can I confront him about this. I’m not that good at saying what I feel to please help me out. :c

1 comment
  1. Well If you can’t respect his choice maybe you’re not suited for him.

    Giving ultimatum is one of the worst thing that can happen in a relationship.

    However you can still try having a relationship with him if you manage to overcome this. You just have to tell you how you feel about it.

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