What are signs of misogyny towards women in positions of authority?

  1. Taking men’s ideas more seriously even when they’re the same ideas women have already brought up.

    Talking over/interrupting women and not apologizing or asking them to go back to what they were saying before you rudely interrupted.

    Paying women less for the same work, no matter the justification.

  2. Using words like “shrill”, “bossy” and “demanding” to describe her authority, rather than “driven”, “decisive” or “effective”.

    Implying she “slept her way to the top”.

    Suggestion that she sacrificed her family for her career or that she is less of a wife/mother because she’s good at her job.

  3. Yes to what others have already shared; adding the expectation that they are “done up” and at least moderately attractive. At least in the companies I have worked for, there were lots of ugly, unkempt male leaders but all the female leaders had to be on point with their appearance or else they were respected even less… if they even got the promotion in the first place

  4. Derision of the same traits that would be lauded in a male leader, especially assertion/assertiveness and confidence. I don’t mean being rude/dismissive/mean, which I don’t support in anyone, but simply being good at your job and having confidence in your intellect. That’s often used to criticize women in power.

  5. Always asking the men in the room for their opinion 1st instead of the other way round

  6. You mean aside from the fact that are an exceptionally low number of women in positions of authority?

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