tl;dr : When did your country start regulating civilian arms ownership and what is the stated reason?

I am from the USA and in recent years I have become interested in firearm ownership. This has led me to look into the history of gun laws, legislation, and restrictions. Much of the modern gun control that is seen in the US today started in the 30’s in targeting gangsters during prohibition. Later more laws passes in the 70-90s in response to different tragedies and potential armed groups like the Black Panthers threatening Reagan. Does your country have a long history of restricting arms to civilians? Like even before firearms, were bows, swords, spears regulated by the “state”?

1 comment
  1. > Does your country have a long history of restricting arms to civilians? Like even before firearms, were bows, swords, spears regulated by the “state”?

    I believe this is not the answer you were looking for, but here it is (exactly what you asked)

    In recent history of Greece, gun controls were an “issue” after the end of the world war 2: The state wanted to confiscate all the guns owned by the (communist) partisans and the whole story escalated into a civil war 🙁

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