I f (20) started talking to this guy m (23). We were talking for 2 weeks. He would text me everyday, start conversations and overall he seemed like a nice person. We decided to go on a date, and he initiated it. We planned out everything we were going to do and he texted me the day of saying that he was excited. (We literally made a whole plan for the date). We were going to hang out at this waterfront in the city and he lived a 5 minute walk away from it.

He asked me if I would come outside his apartment building and he’ll come down so we could walk to the waterfront together. I agree to it and tell him when I’m outside the building. He texts me saying he’s doing laundry and to come into the building lobby and he’ll be out in 5 minutes. He then called me and said he was coming down and he even said “see you soon”.

I sit in the lobby for 10 mins and he doesn’t show up. I wait for half an hour and then I finally text him. I send him a message and it doesn’t deliver. I call and it goes straight to voicemail. I go on bumble and he unmatched me. I noticed that on the voicemail he said his full name. I decide to do an internet search to figure out who this guy was since I didn’t know his full name before the date.

I see a video he posted to YouTube about his story. In the video he shares that he is an amputee and shows his prosthetic arm. He never mentioned this on his dating profile or on text. The only way I can make sense of this whole thing is that he got cold feet at the last minute. Because he said “see you soon” on the phone it seemed like he wanted to come but just got scared. He literally texted me his address before bailing. I know it’s hard dealing with judgement while dating when disabled. Dating apps are bad enough for able bodied people. I just want to hear people’s point of view. Could it have been the disability or is he just a prick?

  1. It very well could that his feelings about his disability contributed to that outcome, but it may not have been. Either way, I don’t think I could date someone who’s at a place where they would do something like that and not communicate, so for me it wouldn’t matter, and I would just move on.

    Sorry that happened, it sounds like it felt really shitty, whatever the reason.

  2. That definitely doesn’t seem prick-like. That sounds like a really sad case of anxiety about his disability if that is true. 🙁

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