Hi, I am a physically unattractive person but I feel like I have a lot to give personality wise. My main problem with dating is that I never have the opportunity to show my good side, because my appearance turns people away before I can ever show them who I am. I have done as much as I can to improve my appearance outside of cosmetic surgeries (which I am currently saving up for).


I am currently using multiple dating apps, trying to meet people through hobbies (bowling, climbing gym), and before I graduated I was trying to meet people through my college classes. I have had very little success.


What are some strategies to meet people which either don’t involve my physical appearance right away, or have very little emphasis on my appearance?

  1. I feel like it’s a sticky situation. For them to get to know you, you need to befriend them first, but then they could say that you weren’t a real friend to begin with. On the other hand, they won’t give you a chance if you just ask them out being upfront though. Sometimes you can’t win.

  2. Im in the same boat, tbh. Dating apps have worked for me. While I havent been tremendously successful, it allows me to win them over with my charm and personality before they can see how ugly I actually am when we meet in person lol

  3. Hi! 26M here. I would love to see a picture of you to show me that you are actually unattractive. Until I was 25 I thought I was not that attractive. Only after multiple iterations over the course of 8 years did I finally become attractive/fashionable enough to women and it really was all about my clothes, hair, and working out.

    I am now a complete stud that gets looks from women when I walk into a bar. Before, I thought I was unattractive and I WAS, but in reality you probably aren’t far away from being someone that someone wants to date. Trust me.


  4. Girls don’t care about looks as you think. If anything, being with someone slightly less attractive can sometimes make them feel more safe

    The most important thing is confidence. Use your personality and make her laugh. Give some good banter.

    Hold your shoulders back. Dress in well fitted clothes and groom daily. Have self respect. Educate yourself. Make her feel heard. Make your bed. Be sincere but don’t give too much away too soon. Be your own person.

    I’m telling you I’ve seen not attractive guys land great women all the time. A lot of hot guys struggle getting girls because girls think they’re fuckboys. Focus on what you can control.

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