Hello guys , I’m from India.. so I have this problem of speaking very fast and stutter many words while speaking English , I feel that I’m not conveying them what i exactly want to say. I’m losing my confidence to speak in English because of this, I’ve tried few techniques like self-talk, practising tongue twisters but none of them haven’t worked for me when it comes to speaking infront of others. How to overcome this ?

  1. The fact that you can speak English is great 👍 maybe listen to some videos or movies and write down phrases, then repeat them afterwards in the mirror. Maybe before that tell yourself in the mirror that it is OK to make mistakes and that you’ve gotten far in your journey

  2. There are some language exchange reddits you could go to for practising your english. Or you could try on the discord for this subreddit.

  3. Keep practicing as it will help but as someone who only speaks English, I stutter and stammer sometimes. The practice that has helped me is slowing down how fast I talk and also finding fillers. You don’t want to say things like umm or and uhh, too much but finding words to make longer to fill the gap as you find the next word helps me a lot.

  4. There are several techniques that can be used to help reduce stuttering, including:

    1. **Slow speech:** Slowing down the rate of speech can help to reduce the tension and anxiety that can contribute to stuttering.

    2. **Easy onset:** This technique involves starting words with a gentle, relaxed sound, rather than a sudden, forceful one.

    3. **Prolongations:** This technique involves prolonging the first sound of a word, which can help to reduce the tension that can lead to stuttering.

    4. **Pull-out:** This technique involves gently pulling out of a stutter, rather than pushing through it.

    5. **Light contacts:** This technique involves gently touching the tongue to the roof of the mouth or the upper lip when beginning to speak, which can help to reduce tension and improve fluency.

    6. **Diaphragmatic breathing:** This technique involves breathing deeply and using the diaphragm to control the rate and rhythm of speech.

    It’s important to note that these techniques are not one-size-fits-all and might work differently for different people. It’s also important to find a therapist who is trained to work with stuttering, as they will be able to personalize a treatment plan that works best for you.

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