I absolutely suck at social situations and tomorrow I’m splitting a 3 hour drive with our new guy at work who is 7 years younger than me and I’m terrified about making small talk the way there. Any advice?

  1. How many points you can rack up by playing the imagination game of running people over?

    Or the pub game if your route is urban.

    Look for names of pubs and count how many legs it’s got. Most wins.

    Like ‘The Red Lion’ would have four, ‘Crown and Crossed Swords’ would be zero.

    Makes it better than talking about mundane shit like the weather or football

  2. Put the radio on, or a podcast. It will give you something to talk about, or an excuse to just listen.

  3. Just put on the curse of the golden vampire album at full volume, should kill the first hour

  4. “Oh hello, haven’t I seen you down at <insert local dogging place> with Randy Rachael on a Tuesday night?”

  5. Popmaster on R2: 15 mins on the questions, segue seamlessly into music, bands you’ve seen etc.

  6. Agree to sit there in silence.

    Honestly neither of you want to drive that conversation in all likelihood, so dispense with the niceties.

  7. Seven years is nothing, I’m 29 and my best friend at work is 53. After a certain age, it doesn’t really matter anymore.

  8. Dont worry. You can’t talk for three hours and your passenger will know this. When conversation stalls ask which radio staion they’d like to listen to.

    BTW. They are probably as nervous as you!

  9. No chatting. Just put on some of the latest sounds and say “this has got a good beat” every so often.

  10. I think the very act of posting this thread means you likely overthink these things and there’s a danger that it will come across in social situations. Don’t put any pressure on talking and put some music on the radio. Early on you can start talking about something work-related as it’s a clear common ground. If after a while you think the conversation is dry then it is likely as much their fault as it is yours. Most people struggle with making conversation for 3 hours too.

  11. Embrace silences. Use them as a way of getting the other guy to talk. Don’t treat it as awkward. Let silences be golden. Especially if you put on some music

  12. Some good tips already here. If it goes well then great, but if it doesn’t and you see him again…


    …that wasn’t me, that was Patricia.

  13. When you’re driving, tell him you’re having a snooze until the next junction and to wake you up if you’re about to hit anything.

  14. He’ll get his phone out and you won’t have to chat at all. And vice versa for when he’s driving.

  15. Put on the Lou Reed album Metal Machine Music at full blast and stare at them intensely not saying a word or moving a muscle.

    When the album is over, ask them what their favourite colour is.

  16. I’ve found on these long trips that after 20 mins or so of chat you can just stick music/the radio on and not talk.

  17. You’ve probably got some things in common so try and make an effort to find out what they are – hobbies, music, film, sports, favourite comedian, places you’ve travelled to

  18. Ask questions. Listen to the answers Ask more questions depending on the answers. This is called a “Conversation”.

  19. Ask if he’d be interested in joining your golf and bible study association.

    If he says yes, kill him and dump his body in a lay-by rolled up in an old rug.

    If he says no, he’s probably alright. Just chat shit.

  20. Recently did a driving job and had to go into London and back to escort a patient and was thinking I was going to have an awkward ride back with the driver, we opened up for the 4 hour drive back and it was great! Blokes can do that, just start with normal convo and see where it goes, you’ve already got the common ground working for the same company just play on that, the new guy might make the conversation easy and you might find a new friend, I know people struggle with these little things in life especially after the pandemic but, you got this

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