Most people are absolutely set in their opinions and will not budge even when showed a compelling argument.

One way to improve conversation is keeping an open mind to having your opinion changed. Be curious about what the other person has to offer.

You don’t have to agree with everything they say but simply be open to the possibility they have a compelling point, and I guarantee you your conversation will be much more interesting.

In a debate, this also helps you better understand the other person’s point of view, and you will be able to form a better argument.

  1. I agree with having an open mind, but I think it depends on the topic being debated. We were told years ago not to debate religion and topics with others, and now we are the internet doing the shit they told us not to do. I generally don’t debate folk on those serious topics because as you said, most folk are set in their opinions. If there is no willingness to consider the other side of the argument, we’re wasting our time. That’s why on social media, I usually express my opinion and keep it moving. I will NOT go back and forth especially with folk who aren’t open to changing their mind on something.

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