I think a lot of us have been there. You start texting or messaging someone. You ask them out. Maybe you make a plan and they cancel last minute. Maybe they just keep vaguely saying, “Ohh I’m really busy” or what have you.

Is there every a time to say, “Do you want to go out or not?”. I’m sure there’s more diplomatic ways of asking but I feel like regardless most people would be really turned off by that.

  1. Honestly its all about vibes if the conversation is going well and you really feel like the other person is engaging! I say bring it up and ask maybe we can continue the conversation on a date! Close mouths dont get fed! Cant hurt to ask if you feel the moment is there

  2. If you have to ask that question, the answer is no. In dating you want a “hell yes” from both people, not a “hell yes” and “eh I’m kinda busy”.

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