Me (29m) and my wife (27f) haver sex 4 to 6 times a week, and recently she told me that after she cums a few times, her pussy starts getting dry, and the sex becomes painful. We already tried lube, but she said it’s still not good. She does not like to do blowjobs, so we end up with handjobs most of the times. I take up to 1h to get there (after foreplay), even If i’m fully aroused, and she usually cums for the last time 30 to 40 minutes after we start playing. Do you know anyway to make It faster?

  1. Kink up your life, roleplay, dirty talk. If its taking you an hour its because you’re not turned on enough and thus not sensitive enough. If you have to use physical stimulation alone to get there you’re doing it wrong. The answer lies in your brain. Think sexier thoughts, share sexy communication, explore kinks, turn yourself on more, and your dick will get more sensitive and your orgasms will come more quickly.

  2. are you focusing too much on her pleasure? I can go 5 minutes or 1 hour not much in between. As the other person mentioned communication is key!

  3. Do a partial masturbation session beforehand (edging). An edge or two onboard before starting things up, should reduce your threshold substantially, and get you over the “hump”, faster.

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