I (33F) recently been having some worries about my relationship. We have been together for a bit over a year and been long distance for about 6 months because of work, and I will be moving with him in a month. We have had good communication up until recently. I can’t tell if I am just being anxious or if something is actually wrong. We usually text a bit through the day and he (33M) calls me when he’s home from work or visa versa (whoever gets out of work latest – as we tell each other when we are leaving work usually). We also used to do “long distance date night” where we would watch a movie together – or just talk for a couple hours. Lately he’s been texting less and not calling till he’s about to go to sleep. He often has rough days at work – which I try to be considerate of – but I’m feeling like we never just talk and laugh anymore.

I feel worried for him being so unhappy with work, but also feel it is out of proportion to the events he describes to me. I am always empathetic and try to cheer him up. I feel like our relationship is struggling because he talks to me less and is always in a bad mood because of work. I don’t know how to deal with this. I feel a bit crazy because I wonder if work is the only thing going on, or if there is another reason he’s so distant from me. I also wonder if I am smothering him when I try to cheer him up. I give him space if he doesn’t talk or text, but will occasionally check in with a “hope you have a good day” or “hope you got out of work on time today and get to be chill at home” if he hasn’t msgd all day. I recently expressed to him that I’m feeling anxious about our relationship and worried that we are not communicating effectively to which he replied that he is just tired and worn out from work.

I feel like we could just be in a rough patch, but also wonder if this is a red flag.

I don’t know what to do. I am almost ready to walk away but also wondering if I am just not being empathetic enough to his struggle. I feel this is a relationship worth saving, but also wonder if I am just delusional. So I am looking for an outside perspective.

Some backstory – I divorced from an abusive husband about two and half years ago and dated a little bit before meeting my current boyfriend. He has always been patient and kind. I try to leave my trauma in the past as much as I can (and I’ve been in therapy), and I continue to work on it. We talked about marriage being in our future as I made plans to move with him about three months ago – and it has been my plan to move with him from the beginning as my job is flexible. But I just don’t know what to make of this new dynamic with our relationship and with me feeling like he’s being so distant.

  1. The other poster is right that he may just be busy or maybe he needs more time for himself for recharge. Ultimately; though, you may have to ask him if he’s doing ok and if he’s still excited for you to join him. LDR’s are hard and require a lot of good communication

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