Before reading you need to know that in Latin America being dating someone does NOT mean that you are already in a relationship until that person asks you to.

I (F21) have been dating a guy (M23) every weekend for 11 months, he tells me he loves me and treats me like his girlfriend.

The last week he introduced me to his parents but he did NOT ask me to be his girlfriend. I didn’t introduce him to my parents because he is not my boyfriend yet.
He even keeps reaffirming that we are not friends and he doesn’t like other people to think that we are friends, but he never says that I’m his girlfriend or anything…

I need opinions on the matter since I have already discussed this topic with him and his response was that he does not want to rush, that he needs to know me well but eventually one day he will ask me.

1 comment
  1. That seems like he have issues with commitment, specifically – labels. He most likely won’t ask you at some point if he was avoiding so for 11months now. He may only accept it if you push for it tho i wouldn’t advice this cuz if he actually feels bothered by the label itself, it may likely just get him to start acting off.

    Since you care to have it official your only options are to calmly discuss it again and explain how and why this is important for you (not pushing it tho, so it wouldn’t come of like he “must” do so). If he shows understanding and willingness to do it, great. If not, you’d prolly need to leave that situation.

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