I had a really bad period of social anxiety for about 18 months when I was 16-18 years old (now 19) and my friendship group changed. I’ve fully recovered from it now and am happy to talk to people and be social but… I’ve completely lost my personality. I suppressed it so much for almost 2 years that instead of gradually changing and progressing as personalties do it instead became a sort of default blob and I can only really mirror the people I talk to and kind of copy other people in interactions so I come off as quite boring. Last year my first year of univeristy I was still going through it so didn’t really meet anyone and my friends from school have gone to different places, so at the moment I have 1 friend.

My old personality used to be really funny and have quite a unique sense of humor that made people want to hang out, loud also very upbeat and postive and supportive of my friends. During SA years I became very dry, monotone, didn’t make jokes and unobjectively boring.

What I’m doing to fix it: my university goes back in a month and there are about 5 different clubs I’m going to join so I can meet people with similar interests, going to do in person classes instead of online, about to start a really cool new job and everyone who works there are very social extroverts so I hope that helps me as I will have to have a distinct identity in a space filled with big personalities.

Will this help? Any more advice?

1 comment
  1. So far, what you have been doing is great! It’s fine if you mirror people. You can take in more interests to meet more people so you can be more sociable. Be positive, have self assurance that you can do it. Be calm! Don’t worry if people think you’re boring. Don’t take in the idea how people think of you. Listen to people how they want to be treated so you don’t come off being offending. Be the best person you can be! Also remember, not everyone will come to like you or stay with you and that’s just fine! Believe in those that believe in you!

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